Faroes classic   52459
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1 Svartbakstindur 801 m, 4,8 km
2 Húsafjall 695 m
3 Funningur
4 Slættaratindur 882 m (summit in clouds), 4,4 km
5 Gráfell 858 m, 5,2 km
6 Fossinshamar
7 Middagsfjall 601 m, 3,2 km
8 Tyril 536 m, 3,6 km
9 Borgarin 637 m (Kalsoy), 10 km
10 Nestindur 788 m (Kalsoy), 10 km
11 Kunoyarnakkur 819 m (Kunoy), 15 km
12 Skoratindur 529 m, 1,9 km


Location: Elduvíksnes (20 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Faroe Islands      Date: 2021-07-06, 13:17
For most of the our days on The Faroes, this could be considered good weather. Our basecamp Tórshavn was in fog 95% of the time, so driving away often yielded some progress, although the weather presented here was the average. As seen on the previous panos there were times with fine weather, but in all only happened on 2 days.

Seen here is a clouded view to the highest peak Slættarartindur and the island Kalsoy.

20 pics (RAW), 70-200mm@70mm, iso-200, 1/320 sec, f/9, developed in DPP (Daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scaling sharpness in Irfanview.


Hello. I would like to ask you two things. Isn't there even a tree in the Faroe Islands? What do you eat there?
2021/11/04 20:39 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Trees and food 
No, trees don't naturally occur, but if you google Tórshavn, you can see that trees are plentiful. Any natural reclaiming will be eaten immediately by the many sheeps. One or two plantations exist, but they are razed by storms from time to time.

Food is the usual northern european diet of pineapple sprinkled pizzas and too much candy. Fish, whale, and lamb are traditional foods, and served in a standard restaurant, it will often get a very modern touch from different spices, garniture, and fine sauces. But actually, local hardliners recent any vegetables greener than potatoes :-)

So, in short, it is a quite normal quisine in shops, restaurants, and the many junkfoodjoints. Since many foreigners are recenting whale killings, they mostly keep traditional whalemeat for themselves, and it has to be asked for.
2021/11/04 21:09 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
At least an instructive view, Jan!
2021/11/04 21:28 , Peter Brandt
Das Wetter passt doch hervorragend zur Landschaft.

2021/11/05 17:40 , Dieter Leimkötter
Great landscape again. I know this from Scotland: If it doesn't rain and the tops are mostly free, you can consider yourself lucky and enjoy the day. Cheers, Martin
2021/11/05 19:29 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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