Cloudbusting   4853
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1 Aubinger Wasserturm
2 Aubinger Holzknechtkapelle


Location: Mooswiesen, Aubing, München (530 m)      by: Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Area: Germany      Date: 2 Aug 2021
When shooting these pictures, the clouds opened their gates and rain fell over the suburbs.
Cloudbusting, I got it to work, ...not !

... just kidding.
It rained already and I am not into any conspiracies or pseudoscience :-) (you can google what I mean)

Searching for the perfect "Clickbait" I was reminded of the famous song "Cloudbusting" by British singer Kate Bush.

If you are able to see a face, it'll never get out of your head :-D

X-T2 55mm 3 rows


Immer wieder eine Faszination und stets ein Panorama wert, diese gigantischen Wolkenformationen - super geworden !!!

Herzliche Grüße
2021/10/07 17:14 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Cloudbusting - Kate Bush - What a great idea!

Oh my god, I don't just see one face, I see many... °_°
2021/10/07 22:56 , Werner Schelberger
Die Landschaft mit Strommasten und vielen Baukränen ist wenig attraktiv, die Wolke dafür umso mehr!
Mein Favorit von Kate Bush ist "Breathing" von der 1980er LP "Never for Ever" mit einem fulminanten Schluß.
2021/10/09 16:15 , Friedemann Dittrich
Really beutiful with the contrast in the clouds, and the subtle highlight on the cranes. LG Jan.
2021/10/16 13:08 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Hans-Jürgen Bayer

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