Scicli dall'alto   42167
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1 Municipio di Scicli / Commissariato di Vigata


Aufnahmestandort: Scicli (210 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Italy      Datum: 19-08-2020


Greek or Latin .... 
The name of the city reads (!) like the name of the island.
At least for someone so barbaric north like me ....
30.06.2021 17:16 , Christoph Seger
Or the name of a monster guarding the access to the island...
Although barbaric, I remember from previous comments that you know the Commissario - and the Commissariato is visible right behind the big church in the middle
30.06.2021 23:51 , Pedrotti Alberto
I did not know this remarkable place and was quite frustrated with the riddle, as the place looks very beautiful on this pano and should be known. Googling the commissario now helped... Cheers, Martin
04.07.2021 10:32 , Martin Kraus
22.07.2021 17:45 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Pedrotti Alberto

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