Stege Bugt tele   21981
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1 Nyord island, 6 km
2 Stevns peninsula 47 m, 36 km
3 Lindholm ferry
4 Stevns lighthouse, 38 km
5 Sækkesand
6 Øresund Bridge pylon, 77 km
7 Øresund Bridge pylon, 77 km
8 Nyord bridge
9 Ulvshale forest, 8 km
10 Tyreholm
11 Lindholm island, 4 km
12 Elmelunde Kirke, 15 km
13 Aborrebjerg 143 m, 24 km
14 Stege, 7 km
15 Sct. Hans Kirke, 7 km
16 Kongsbjerg 135 m, 22 km


Aufnahmestandort: Dronning Alexandrines Bro (26 m)      Fotografiert von: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Gebiet: Denmark      Datum: 2017-05-27, 21:23
Looking over Stege Bugt, the view stretched from the limestone cliffs of Stevns, to the limestone cliffs of Møn. In between, some islets can be viewed, as well as the main city of Møn, Stege. There is a surprising far view, not easy to spot: The Øresund Bridge in +70 km!

The most prominent island is Lindholm. As can be seen, it is heavily covered in buildings. That is from a period of intense research in various microbiological fields. It was chosen for its possibility for constant quarantine. Employees were then shipped in and out from Kalvehave. It is now abandoned, but has come to the forefront in danish domestic politics, because of a suggestion of turning it into a danish version of the australian Christmas Island. It was intended for various foreign persona nongratas. It was nearly voted for, but was dropped in the last minute.

Pano made from 42 pics (RAW), 300 mm, iso-500, 1/500 sec, f/5,6, developed in Canon DPP (cloudy, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, scale and sharpness in Irfanview.


Impressive wide view with beautiful colours. Thanks for showing us the beauty of this area. Cheers, Martin
11.06.2021 20:52 , Martin Kraus
What a fascinating evening light and great scrolling experience - your "drone series";-) is absolutely fantastic, Jan !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
13.06.2021 23:20 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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