Last Kayak Ride of the Summer   2642
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Location: Rockwood Conservation Area (325 m)      by: Augustin Werner
Area: Canada      Date: 27. September 2020
One of the most scenic little places within 1 hour of driving distance of Toronto at Rockwood Conservation Area (Naturschutz & Erholungsgebiet).

With its limestone cliffs, caves and pines the scenery almost feels like Northern Ontario even though the surrounding area is regular southern Ontario farmland.

This wasn't my first visit, but the first time I had the opportunity to enjoy it from the water (with my Kayak) - a big advantage when it comes to getting to best viewpoints.

The Lake (or rather river) is not only very scenic but also very small. It doesn't take any effort to get from one end to the other. A challenge for the panorama photographer is that the scenery is fairly close up, that the Kayak may not come to complete halt, and that is not that easy for my to turn the Kayak while staying in the same spot while taking pictures for the Panorama....

Jens was asking about Winter ... i visited just once in early March. The Ice didn't seem strong, perhaps because the water is flowing too fast.

16 captures in portrait orientation at 25mm M43 ~ 50mm KB.


Hier ist es doch im Winter sicher auch schön, oder? Friert das Wasser zu?
2020/11/09 08:58 , Jens Vischer
Kanada ist offenbar auch dort schön, wo es flach ist, wie Du uns immer wieder beweist. VG Martin
2020/11/09 19:34 , Martin Kraus

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Augustin Werner

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