Questions at sunset   81138
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1 Punta Raisi
2 Golfo di Castellammare
3 Monte Acci, 829
4 Monte Passo del Lupo, 868
5 Macari
6 Santa Margherita
7 Monte San Giuliano / Erice, 715
8 Golfo del Cofano
9 Golfo di Bonagia
10 Monte Cofano, 659
11 Punta Welzenbach
12 Levanzo, 278
13 Marettimo, Pizzo Falcone. 686
14 San Vito Lo Capo
15 Faro di San Vito


Location: Pizzo di Sella (704 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Italy      Date: 09-08-2020
Which is, after all, my favourite island, Sicily or Crete?
Which is my favourite sunset spot, Gramvoussa (N.19048) or the mountains of San Vito Lo Capo?
Silly questions like these I was setting to myself while climbing the (nontrivial, especially regarding the descent at night) ridge leading to this panoramic point.
This I discovered long before Gramvoussa, but curiously it comes in digital/panoramic format fairly later.
As for the choice... I leave it to the Betrachter!

Location: 38.14853 12.75407


I have never been to Crete and I cannot help you. The answers you have to search within yourself.
What I can say is that Sicily is a difficult but very beautiful land.
2020/10/06 23:07 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Insolvable. Great picture!
2020/10/07 08:27 , Jens Vischer
Di tutti i tuoi panorami al tramonto... 
… continuo a preferire quello dal Velebit:, per l'ampio respiro dell'orizzonte e per la complessiva sensazione di pace che ispira.
Ma ovviamente è una pura questione di gusti… Immagino che per te contino molti altri fattori.
Ciao, Alvise
2020/10/07 13:23 , Alvise Bonaldo
I haven't been on both yet, Alberto!
2020/10/07 21:19 , Peter Brandt
2020/10/08 09:50 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
I wouldn't want to decide...or rather - let's see where they let me go in the current climate.
2020/10/09 21:10 , Martin Kraus
My favourite Island might just be any place you travel to and bring back your amazing photos from. Auguri!
2020/10/11 02:23 , Augustin Werner
Alvise: si, buono anche il Velebit. Solo che io piú al sud vado e meglio sto...

Augustin: I have an interesting book about the Mediterranean and its many stories, coming both from history and/or form mythology; it starts quoting a sentence by the Turkish poet Nâzım Hikmet:
"The most beautiful sea is the one that we never crossed"
Maybe this holds also for islands??
Saluti, Alberto.
2020/10/11 22:31 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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