Villa dei Quintili   111318
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Location: Roma (Via Appia Antica)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 18 August 2015

The Villa dei Quintili (Villa of the Quintilii) is an ancient Roman villa beyond the fifth milestone along the Via Appia Antica just outside the traditional boundaries of Rome. It was built by the rich and cultured brothers Quintilius (consuls in 151 AD).
But the emperor Commodus coveted the villa strongly enough to put to death its owners in 182 and confiscate it for himself.
The ruins of this villa suburbana are of such an extent that when they were first excavated, the site was called Roma Vecchia ("Old Rome") by the locals, as they occupied too great a ground, it seemed, to have been anything less than a town.


Marvellous. This should be known. But I don't know it :-(
Cheers, Martin
2019/12/05 21:30 , Martin Kraus
Hi Martin and thanks. It is a well known place for experts in the sector, but it is not very popular.
2019/12/05 22:06 , Giuseppe Marzulli
It is an ancient "villa", but it is so great that when the first archaeological discovered it, they thought they had discovered a town ;-)
2019/12/06 18:58 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Altro suggerimento; aggiungendo un suffisso si ottiene il nome di un grandissimo maestro della retorica...
2019/12/06 19:15 , Pedrotti Alberto
Thank you Giuseppe for giving the solution to the riddle. I was convinced to see a bath and. LG a villae. Changing the search according to your hint led quickly to the solution. I am deeply astonished ...

Herzlichst Christoph
2019/12/07 09:10 , Christoph Seger
PS - in my humble opinion .... 
This pano is much better than anything presented on wiki or other pictures on the www associated with the name of the place.
2019/12/07 09:17 , Christoph Seger
Hi Christoph and thanks for the comment. In my opinion, the biggest mistake you can make when visiting Rome is not to go to the Via Appia Antica ;-)
2019/12/07 11:21 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Devo dire che a prima vista avevo pensato che fosse la villa di Massenzio, al che mi aspettavo che la soluzione venisse trovata in pochi minuti. Quando il giorno dopo ho visto che non era ancora uscito nulla, ho capito che qualcosa non funzionava...
2019/12/07 17:49 , Pedrotti Alberto
The villa of Maxentius is more famous, but I prefer this one....
2019/12/07 19:11 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Incredible riddle and panorama - where is Rome ;-)) ?!?!?!

Un caro saluto, Hans-Jörg
2019/12/08 08:39 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Thanks for the enlightenment. One could have guessed and started searching there... Cheers, Martin
2019/12/13 20:30 , Martin Kraus

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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