Varesotto   81844
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1 Monte Tagliaferro, 2964m
2 Stolemberg, 3202m
3 Corno Mud, 2802m
4 Piramide Vincent, 4215m
5 Punta Parrot (Parrotspitze), 4432m
6 Punta Gnifetti (Signalkuppe), 4554m
7 Punta Zumstein (Zumsteinspitze), 4563
8 Punta Dufour (Dufourspitze), 4634m; 70,3Km
9 Nordend, 4609m
10 Jägerhorn, 3960m
11 Cima Jazzi, 3803m
12 Strahlhorn, 4190m
13 Rimpfischhorn, 4199m
14 Monte Massone, 2161m
15 Allalinhorn, 4020m
16 Alphubel, 4206m
18 Mont'Orfano, 794m
19 Täschhorn, 4491m
20 Verbania
21 Dom, 4545m
22 Lenzspitze, 4294m
23 Nadelhorn, 4327m
24 Mittelruck, 3363m
25 Pizzo di Andolla, 3653m
26 Sasso del Ferro, 1057m
27 Weissmies, 4023m
28 Lagginhorn, 4010m
29 Rocca di Orino
30 Fletschhorn, 3993m
31 Pizzo Proman, 2098m
32 Punta Pozzolo, 2081m
33 Testa del Parise, 2092m
34 Cuvio
35 Casalzuigno
36 Monte Nudo, 1235m
37 Pizzo Marona, 2051m
38 Monte Zeda, 2156m
39 Aletschhorn, 4193m
40 Cuveglio
41 Arcumeggia
42 Pizzo la Scheggia, 2466m
43 Pioda di Crana, 2430m
44 Pizzo del Forno, 2695m
45 Finsteraarhorn, 4274m; 89,2Km
46 Monte della Colonna, 1203m
47 Duno
48 Castello Cabiaglio
49 Monte San Martino, 1087m
50 Monte Limidario, 2188m
52 Luino
53 Maccagno
54 Cantevria
55 Mesenzana
56 Monte Borgna, 1158m
57 Monte Zucchero, 2735m
58 Cassano Valcuvia
59 Montegrino Valtravaglia
60 Grantola
61 Bosco Valtravaglia
62 Madom Gröss 2741m
63 Masciago Primo
64 Ferrera di Varese
65 Monte Sette Termini, 976m
66 Pizzo di Vogorno 2442m
67 Monte la Nave, 989m
68 Monte Gradiccioli 1935m
69 Cunardo
70 Bedero Valcuvia
71 Cugliate Fabiasco
72 Torent Alto 2956m
73 Pizzo di Claro 2727m
74 Monte Scerre, 799m
75 Marchirolo
76 Brinzio
77 Lavena Ponte Tresa
79 Piz Corbet o. Pzzo. Sevino 3025m
80 Mondonico
81 Camoghe', 2227m
82 Monte Marzio, 880m
83 Gazzirola, 2116m
84 Boarezzo
85 Pizzo di Gino, 2245m
86 Monte Piambello, 1129m
87 Monte Disgrazia, 3678m
88 Monte Martica, 1026m
89 Monte Legnone, 2609m
90 Pizzo Alto, 2512m
91 Poncione di Ganna, 993m
92 Monte Generoso, 1701m
93 Monte San Giorgio, 1080m


Location: Campo dei Fiori (Punto Panoramico 1)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 30 November 2019
The "Varesotto" is pratically the Varese area. In this pano we see the main valleys of the Varese area. It is an area very close to the Swiss border.


Ist das nicht bereits ein Alpenpanorama? Die Beschriftung ist jedenfalls erfreulich ausführlich.
2019/12/01 20:47 , Jörg Braukmann
oder doch a-p? Vorne links ist mir der große Schattenbereich doch sehr finster, läßt sich da noch behutsam etwas machen? LG Alexander
2019/12/01 22:04 , Alexander Von Mackensen
Marvellous sight, Giuseppe
2019/12/01 23:32 , Mentor Depret
Nice panorama and again good weather conditions. I was there when I was a child. LG Niels
2019/12/02 07:06 , Niels Müller-Warmuth
Great view. And interesting, how the border seems to completely igtnore topography. Cheers, Martin
2019/12/02 20:39 , Martin Kraus
@Jörg: I don't think that the right place is ap,, because we see at least twenty small inhabited centers and the focus is not on the mountains. Of course the background with the snow-capped mountains is magnificent and enhances the pano. More generally, I think that a strict division between pp and ap is not useful to anyone.
@Alexander: thank you for your suggestion, I prefer to leave it that way.
@Mentor: I agree it's a marvellous sight ;-)
@ Niels: for me, in this area, it is not difficult to choose the right day. It was really a very good day: excellent visibility, no wind, pleasant temperature, no crowding...
@Martin: I agree. The border between Italy and Canton Ticino often ignores the topography. It is not always a disadvantage ;-)
2019/12/03 00:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli
L'unico possibile appunto è di natura "drammaturgica", con questo inizio a freddo subito con il Monte Rosa!
2019/12/06 19:35 , Pedrotti Alberto
For me it is belonging 100% to alpen-panoramen. But I like it too much :-)
LG Jörg
2019/12/09 19:51 , Jörg Nitz

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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