Between Milarepa and Annapurna   31497
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1 Yak Ghawa, 6484
2 Thorungste, 6482
3 Chulu, 6537
4 Chulu Far East, 6395
5 5985
6 N.25625, 5430 m
7 Kang La, 5320
8 Gjayi Kang, 7074
9 Nemjung, 7140, 40 km
10 Pisang Peak, 6091
11 MANASLU, 8163
12 Peak 29, 7871
13 Annapurna II, 7937
14 Annapurna IV, 7525
15 Annapurna III foresummit


Location: Nameless summit (4625 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Nepal      Date: 20-05-2019
The Milarepa gompa in the Marsyangdi valley marks the place where the revered Tibetan holy man converted a hunter to give up with his work and to follow him.
Here we are on the ridge above the gompa and below Annapurna III, actually not visible: the huge wall belongs only to a foresummit... Perched in an inaccessible rock wall below this ridge there is still the bow abandoned by the converted man.
My sherpa and I had a long stay at Milarepa, where a big feast was taking place. Namely, by chance we had arrived just in the day when the first stone for a renewed gompa was posed. I have no idea when the work will be completed.

Location: 28.63369 84.03134


Really wonderful views but add some names pls!
2019/10/22 23:29 , Mentor Depret
Now done.
For study, do not consider this one without N.25625 from the other side.
The standpoint of the present work is marked there, in the cloud, at 235°.
The "Summit above Kang La" is marked here (of course at 235°-180° = 55°) but it can be recognized only in the original size panorama. It is the rear one of two sister summits, with snow on their W flank, and dry scree slopes (those for which Kang La is famous) on the other side.
Mountainpanoramas would be valuable in these cases.
2019/10/22 23:54 , Pedrotti Alberto
Really helpful to have the link to the view from the other side. Great landscape - unfortunately the projection onto the form at here makes it difficult to apprectiate the verticals. Cheers, Martin
2019/10/27 16:45 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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