Aubenas   71151
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1 Les Planètes 1344 m
2 Vallée de la Volane
3 Ardèche
4 Suc de Pradou 1344 m
5 Le Champ de Mars 1343m
6 Col de la Fayolle 887 m
7 Serre de Pivachier 883 m
8 Serre de la Truche 995 m
9 Rocher de la Table 1002 m
10 Roc de Gourdon 1061m
11 Serre de Suson 990 m
12 Col de l'Escrinet 789 m
13 Crête de Blandine 1019 m
14 Plateau basaltique du Coiron
15 Ardèche
16 Plateau basaltique du Coiron


Location: Aubenas      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: France      Date: 21 Aoril 2014

Aubenas is a commune in the southern part of the Ardèche department, in southern France.
It has nothing particularly famous, but the town has a beautiful view of the Ardeche valley.


It is in France...
2019/03/18 19:33 , Giuseppe Marzulli
So I will leave this to the specialists for France, which I am not. Cheers, Martin
2019/03/18 21:03 , Martin Kraus
The river flows into the Rhone.
2019/03/19 13:07 , Giuseppe Marzulli
My guess, to the west of the Rhône where the river is already flowing southwards. Landscape in the background has a familiar air but I fail to identify any of the sucs.
2019/03/19 23:19 , Klaus Föhl
Yes. We are to the west of the Rhone, to the south. But where?
2019/03/20 12:41 , Giuseppe Marzulli
You have taken the pano from orientation table of Aubenas with a view to Ardèche river, 44.621064 , 4.392237
2 bd gambetta, 07200 Aubenas
LG Jörg
2019/03/20 23:22 , Jörg Nitz
Yes, I have taken the pano from orientation table of Aubenas.
You know the area very well and I thought you would have guessed right away.
2019/03/21 20:24 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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