De Struinwaard Zwolle   31211
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Location: Berkum Zwolle (1 m)      by: Arjan Veldhuis
Area: Netherlands      Date: 7 maart 2019
The Struinwaard is the government-created nature reserve along the southern bank of the Vecht. It is an area on the outskirts of Zwolle with ditches, swirls, trees, mounds and reed parties. There are moorings for canoeists, rowers and boats. In the Struinwaard the rare plant Lange Ereprijs grows again. Also the Bandheidelibel, a special dragonfly, has been spotted. By arranging the area in a more natural way, there will also be more flow for the water of the Overijsselse Vecht.

Canon G1X, 28 mm (made without a tripod),
Latitude 52.524226 Longitude 6.147342


Good motif, but the cloud in 65° seems to be blown out. Can you do anything there?
2019/03/10 16:26 , Jörg Braukmann
Your work is constantly improving, so we are getting more critical, raising the ambition. Agree with Jörg - also the last image at the right is sligtly tilted. Please continue to have fun with this site! Cheers, Martin
2019/03/10 19:16 , Martin Kraus
Commenting only from the image, not knowing the local situation: I wonder why the path is only shown half at the left side and in full on the right side. The bench at the right makes for a nice image end. I wonder what to make about the litter bin. If you cut it, you still have its shadow. If you then raise the lower edge, the grass line is not as nice as it is right now. Moving your position to compensate would give the path a different curve.

Maybe try a meter further to the right along the path next time?
2019/07/21 11:34 , Klaus Föhl

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Arjan Veldhuis

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