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1 Nicola
2 Ortonovo
3 Monte Sagro
4 Monte Cavallo
5 Monte Tambura
6 Monte Altissimo


Location: Carrara (5 m)      by: Klaus Föhl
Area: Italy      Date: 2018-06-03
Schräge Zeiten waren das damals, als man mit Beton den Briten den Weg hinein nach Europa verwehren wollte.

LINEA GOTICA bei Carrara in der Ebene.

In der Bildmitte kann man ein paar der Marmorsteinbrüche sehen.

Horizontaler Blickwinkel 130 Grad.
Breite: 44.05653° Länge: 10.02707°


It is really rare to find someone who goes to Tuscany to photograph the Gothic Line ;-)
But I really appreciate the originality and I'm also passionate about history.
I have no political interest, but only historical interest, but unfortunately when I tried to talk about history, controversies have often come and so I do not.
Perhaps the pano is a little blurry.
2019/01/16 21:42 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Hi Giuseppe,
It so happened that I was riding a bicycle on that path, of course with a camera which I used. Both activities would have been very perilous at said time. I did some reading afterwards.
In the original panoramic there is enough detail, I downscaled it by a factor of 4. The image here is sharpened slighly, but I am not a friend of oversharpening.
Cordiali saluti Klaus
2019/01/16 22:14 , Klaus Föhl
Erinnerungen an meinen letzten Carrara-Aufenthalt im Herbst 2017 werden wachgerufen ... ungewöhnlich, aber ausdrucksvoll wiedergegeben mit der Begrenzung - hier gefällt mir die von Dir bevorzugte Wahl der Schärfe übrigens sehr gut !!!

Herzliche Grüße
2019/01/19 10:36 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Fine documentation of a horrible left-over. LG Jan.
2019/01/20 15:23 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
@Klaus: I would like to make a clarification that is completely useless, but my passion for history takes over ;-)
In that part of the front were not lined up British troops, but the United States Fifth Army.
2019/01/20 22:12 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Klaus Föhl

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