Skåne behind Sjælland   21365
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1 Gribskov forest
2 Multebjerg 89 m, 7 km
3 Kullaberg 188 m, 41 km
4 Klosterris forest, 15 km
5 Gurre Vang forest, 13 km
6 Fredensborg castle, 6 km
7 Danstrup forest, 10 km
8 Grønholt forest, 10 km
9 Söderåsen 212 m, 47 km
10 Söderåsen 170m, 51 km
11 Glumslöv Backar 100 m, 30 km


Location: Skansebakken (80 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2016-08-27, 17:17
A seemingly messy pano, with the many lamps and roofs. It also shows the north and eastern part of Sjælland, as well as severel parts of Skåne in Sweden. Many pass by here every day, but only few are aware, that they can look to Sweden. The parts from Sweden are highlighted in red script. The view is from the highest hill in my hometown Hillerød.

The pano was made from 16 pics (RAW), Canon 550D, 70-200mm@87mm, iso-100, f/9, 1/640 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness, ALO off), stitched in PTGui pro, contrast, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


"Everyday life in Denmark" ... unspectacular subject but very well done, Jan!

Best regards, Hans-Jörg
2019/01/10 07:30 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
HJB 2 has found the right words. I want to say positively that you put effort into reviewing the older panoramas after being offline some time. Hardly any other seasonal worker takes his time to look trough panoramas older then two weeks so thoroughly.
2019/01/10 14:20 , Jörg Braukmann

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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