The hills of Orciano   41670
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1 Monte Serra, 917m
2 Lorenzana
3 Sant' Ermo
4 Castello di Gello Mattaccino


Location: Orciano Pisano      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 1 December 2018
SOLVED RIDDLE (It is not difficult for those who know my panos. But in what month was it taken?)
Christoph has solved the date and Alberto the place.

The hills of Orciano are a gentle undulating landscape characterized by clayey hills covered with layers of tufa with contained shrubby vegetation. They are reminiscent of the most famous Crete Senesi or Val d'Orcia.


I would say this is November or early December - the wheat starts to grow, trees have still (brownish) leaves ..
2018/12/16 23:29 , Christoph Seger
1 December...
Do you even know where it is?
2018/12/16 23:58 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I think it is in the Crete - but I could not locate it exactly in the first try ...
2018/12/17 01:36 , Christoph Seger
Sei dalle parti di Casciana - Santa Luce; se dietro la Faeta si vedesse la Pania sarebbe possibile una localizzazione piú precisa.
il castello isolato potrebbe essere quello di Gello Mattaccino, ma con i pixel a disposizione siamo nel campo della speculazione piú pura!
2018/12/17 10:00 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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