Tipperne   51972
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1 Værnsande
2 Blåbjerg 64 m, 12 km
3 Bjålum Klit, 3 km
4 Store Mjøl, 1,6 km
5 Holmsland Klit, 6 km
6 Tipperne field station, 4 km
7 Nørre Lyngvig Lighthouse, 22 km
8 Dejbjerg 74 m, 20 km


Location: Værnsande bird tower (10 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2017-08-20, 08:30
The western part of Jutland is the only place in Denmark, where the landscape on a larger scale evokes some kind of feeling of grandeur and wilderness. One of the special areas is the Ringkøbing Fjord, with the large wetland Tipperne in the southern part. The amount of shorebirds and ducks is enormous here. The landscape is generally flat, with the rugged dunes along the coast as a welcomed contrast.

Pano made from 32 pics (RAW), Canon 6D, 70-200mm@70mm, iso-100, 1/800 sec, f/7,1, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness, periphal illumination), stitched in PTGui pro, contrast, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Almost 25 years since my last visit. Still looking great.
2018/10/02 19:15 , Arne Rönsch
As flat as Holland, greetings, Mentor
2018/10/05 12:33 , Mentor Depret
Ich hätte im Norden mehr Sicht auf den Ringkøbing Fjord erwartet.
2018/10/05 17:40 , Heinz Höra
The tower is simply too low for one to get a distinct view of the fjord. Gives however a feeling of the large scale of the wetland. LG Jan.
2018/10/08 21:12 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
What an amazing flatness! And a really great pano. Cheers, Martin
2018/10/11 19:25 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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