Pistoia   71945
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1 Poggio di Chiusoli, 1239m
2 Monte Pozzo del Bagno, 1042m
3 Cupola del Vasari (Basilica della Madonna dell' Umiltā)
5 Campanile del Duomo
6 Pian delle Vergini, 967m
7 Montale
8 Villa Castello Smilea
9 Monte Maggiore (Monti della Calvana), 916m
10 Rocca di Montemurlo
11 Montemurlo
12 Retaia, 768m


Location: Serravalle Pistoiese      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: August 2018

The town is photographed from a distance of about 8 Km.



That dome reminds a lot, as a form, a more famous dome ...
2018/08/28 23:42 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Ich nehme an, dass die markante Kuppel ein Werk von Brunelleschi ist.
Interessante Perspektive.
2018/08/29 17:04 , Dieter Leimkötter
Dove ti sei piazzato stavolta?
Non sei tanto alto sopra Serravalle.
2018/08/29 17:44 , Pedrotti Alberto
@ Dieter: the dome is not the work of Brunelleschi, but very much resembles the Brunelleschi dome of Florence. Practically, from an aesthetic point of view it has almost been copied. On the other hand, from a constructive point of view it is different and more fragile than Brunelleschi's dome. And this is perhaps one of the mysteries of Italian architecture.
Vasari, who designed that dome, knew very well the solid construction techniques of Brunelleschi and it is not clear because he wanted to use different and less solid techniques.
2018/08/29 18:54 , Giuseppe Marzulli
@Alberto: non ero sopra Serravalle. Ero proprio a Serravalle.
2018/08/29 18:55 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Not one of your most spectacular, but still very good :-)
LG Jörg
2018/08/29 20:34 , Jörg Nitz
I agree. It's not that great. In my opinion, this is the kind of pano that appreciates better who knows the place. This pano shows an uncommon view of a town (with the surrounding mountains) and this is its value.
2018/08/29 21:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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