Storstrømmen   42292
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1 Falster, 43 km
2 Hjelm Bugt
3 Grønsund
4 Bogø, 30 km
5 Falster, 43 km
6 Falster-Farø link, 35 km
7 Farø, 34 km
8 Stege Nor
9 Falster, 44 km
10 Kalve Strøm
11 Farø-Sjælland link, 35 km
12 Langebæk Skov
13 Ulvsund
14 Koster peninsula, 21 km
15 Stege, 16 km
16 Stege Nor
17 Møn-Sjælland link, 23 km
18 Ulvsund
19 Gammel Kalvehave, 25 km
20 Kulsbjerge 107 m, 33 km
21 Stege Bugt
22 Lindholm, 20 km
23 Viemose Skov, 25 km
24 Stege Bugt
25 Vordingborg TV-mast 311 m + 54 m NN, 35 km
26 Ambjerg Skov 90, 37 km
27 Nyord, 22 km
28 Nyord, 22 km
29 Bøgestrømmen
30 P. 74 m, 44 km
31 Ulvshale peninsula, 20 km
32 Ægholm
33 Jungshoved, 32 km
34 Pugebjerg 98 m, 41 km
35 Kobanke 123 m, 44 km
36 Faxe Bugt
37 Faxe Ladeplads, 34 km
38 P. 75 m, 48 km
39 Ringsbjerg 61 m, 56 km
40 Stevns Klint
41 Højerup Kirke, 32 km
42 Stevns Lighthouse 27 m + 41 m NN, 35 km
43 39 km


Location: Aborrebjerg (143 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2013-10-18, 13:27
Somewhat disconnected from the rest of the little Møn series, hereby a tele pano from Aborrebjerg. The observant betrachter will notice, that there is a short appendix. Sadly, tall trees obscure the view here and there, and I think the appendix is too short to deserve its own upload. Also I had to descent a little to get the max part of the app, so I couldn't really just keep shooting treetops to get an uninterupted view. Since the app. shows Stevns Klint, I think it has enough significance to be shown. It is the only true solid rock part of Sjælland, furthermore interesting because it in broad daylight shows the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary, famously linked to the extinction of the Dinosaurs.

Besides that, the main body of the pano shows what in Denmark is known as Storstrømmen (The great Stream). For some strange reason, there has never been an overall name for the eastern danish islands as a whole. However, the southern part with Lolland, Falster, Møn, and Sjælland south of Næstved is collectively called Storstrømmen, emphazising the unity through waterways rather than landformation. The name is like an adding of the various smaller waterways between the islands. From above the landscape is very harmonic with the water and land intertwining constantly. From the top of eastern Møn, the whole thing is of course at a certain distance, but it is still a fine place to start. I will try to seek out further viewpoints in this area.

Also, from here we can see Kobanke, at 123 m the highest natural point on Sjælland.

A small interesting thing on a "nice-to-know"-level is, that this area holds two types of nordic placenames otherwise restricted to Norway and Central-Northsweden, namely "-anger" and "-ed".

The first is common along all of atlantic Norway, but has a more restricted distribution i Sweden (in the northern baltic coastland, from Uppsala to Skellefteå), and only 1 location i Denmark. Most likely, the Angel-peninsula, and therefore England, also ows it name to this. The meaning is most likely related to german "eng", refering to narrow fjords.

The second is common from 58 latitude and northwards, as -eid (N/FO/I) and -ed (S). The meaning is "narrow piece of land between waters". In Denmark also only known here. In combination, as is the case with -ånger in Sweden, it suggests a colonisation of norwegian settlers, or perhaps mercenaries, most likely during the migration period.

The pano was made from 40 + 4 pics (RAW), 300 mm, f/8, 1/1000 sec, iso-100, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness, ALO off), stitched in PTgui pro, contrast, scaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


I´m glad to see you again and congatulate you to your first upload in 2018 with a fantastic panoramic view from autumn 2017. The composition is fully okay and most interesting, since fine details are presented very sharp. Obviously this was a productive day. More of that.
2018/03/17 23:52 , Jörg Braukmann
Very detailed in view and description - a great pleasure. Thanks for re-joining. Cheers, Martin
2018/03/20 19:21 , Martin Kraus
Fascinating autumn impression with beautiful details in fine sharpness ... excellent work and welcome back, Jan !!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2018/03/21 18:04 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Ich schließe mich den Kommentaren der Kollegen an.
2018/04/28 20:04 , Friedemann Dittrich

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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