Skåne from Aborrebjerget (Møn)   32337
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1 Falsterbo Rev Lighthouse, 37 km
2 Øresund bridge west tower 204 m, 68 km
3 Øresund bridge east tower
4 Turning Torso, Malmø, 190 m, 75 km
5 Kronprinsen (The Crown Prince) 82 m, 74 km
6 Falsterbo peninsula, 49 km
7 Water tower 38 m, 52 km
8 Törringelund 72 m, 71 km


Location: Aborrebjerg (143 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2013-10-18, 13:14
It is with some reluctance and annoyance I make this upload. This far distance view to Sweden is more or less ruined by the trees to the right. From the nearby cliffedge there is indeed an unhindered view, but since one is ascending appr. 40 meters the "bottom" is sort of lost. I will probably also release the view from the cliff, since from there the maximum of the far view can then be presented.

This pano shows most prominently the building known as "Turning Torso" in Malmø, the highest building in Scandinavia. Read about it here:
Also, one can see vaguely the Øresunds-bridge, although the towers are almost to thin to be seen.

Pano made from 14 pics (RAW), 300 mm, f/8, 1/1000 sec, iso-100, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness, ALO off), stitched in PTGui pro, contrast, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


The view from that building must be overwhelming although I would not like to live that high, constantly feeling the shaking of the construction.
2017/12/10 21:12 , Mentor Depret
Nun bin ich mehr als überzeugt, Jan.
2017/12/10 23:53 , Heinz Höra
I´ve never been at the sea in autumn. Nice colours, good view and excellent composition.
2017/12/16 13:26 , Jörg Braukmann

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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