Bruges seen from Waterfront   21815
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1 St Vincent Church, 93.5m, Eeklo (B), 25 km
2 291 m high VRT Antenna Egem, 54.7 km
3 Drinking water reservoirs Evides Braakman, 7.8 km
4 Water tower Sint-Jan-in-Eremo (B), 19.3 km
5 Church of our Lady, 115 m, Bruges (B), 44.9 km
6 St Salvators Cathedral, 99 m, Bruges (B), 45.1 km
7 Belfry, 83 m, Bruges (B), 44.8 km
8 St Margaretha Church, St -Margriete (B), 21 km
9 St Bavo Church, Aardenburg (NL), 28.1 km
10 Braakman lake (old creek), 6.4 km
11 Wind mills along Baudouin Canal (B), 43 - 44 km
12 Water tower Oostburg (NL), 25 km
13 Industry Seabruges Port (B), 44.6 km
14 Seabruges Port container cranes, (B), 44.7 km
15 Tower cranes Knokke-Heist (B), 39 km
16 DowDupont Terneuzen, 3.2 km


Location: Waterfront Terneuzen (70 m)      by: Mentor Depret
Area: Netherlands      Date: 2017 10 05 7u03 PM st
I made this tele pano to document the very clear horizon in the direction of Brugge - Zeebrugge (Bruges - Seabruges), Belgium, on October the 5th. It was shot 10 minutes after my previous pano: Impressive sunset No. 22610.
The 99 m high St-Salvators Cathedral and the 115 m high Church of Our Lady in Bruges are the farthest recognizable objects I can distinguish from Waterfront Terneuzen at 45.1 km and 45.0 km respectively. To the right, just above DowDupont, the Seabruges Port container cranes (44.7 km) are very clear too. The many wind mills on the horizon between Bruges and Seabruges are along the Baudouin Canal and also 43-44 km away.

Canon Eos M6 with EF-M 18-150 mm, 11pics, 150 mm (240 mm KB, with pano crop about 400 mm KB), iso 160, f 8, 1/160, PTGuiPro, 30000x2886 348.7 MB, crop to 1766, downsized 8494x500 896KB


Dear Mentor, I know how difficult it is to photograph something of a city from a distance of 45 km.
Probably this pano will have some imperceptible defect that I do not see, but that disturbs the voters ;-)
2017/11/20 22:48 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Dear Giuseppe, thx for your comment and your appreciation. Not only I love the intense, natural colors of this sunset but also the clarity and stability of the atmosphere at that moment, which allowed to photograph the details on the horizon well. Some of my friends doubt I can see the towers of Brugge, well here is the unmistaken proof. Also, I want to determine the many objects I can see from this building correctly and it took time, many photographs and measurements on the map before I was sure. I am proud about this documentation even if the majority of this community doesn't like it and I will continue with this until it is done. Perhaps then I have to move to another tower....
2017/11/21 00:01 , Mentor Depret

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