Golfo dei Poeti   42377
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1 Isola del Tinetto
2 Isola del Tino
3 Capo dell'Isola
4 Cava di Portoro (Marmo nero di Portovenere)
6 Portovenere
7 Castello Doria
8 Punta della Scuola
9 Isola della Scuola
10 Monte Muzzerone, 310m
11 Monte Castellana, 507m
12 Punta della Castagna
13 Fortezza del Varignano
14 Fezzano
15 Cadimare
16 Monte Verrugoli, 749m
17 Marola
18 Diga Foranea
19 Punta Maralunga
20 Punta Santa Teresa
22 Punta Galera
23 Monte San Nicolao, 847m
24 (Lerici)
25 Monte Porcile, 1249m


Location: Montemarcello      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 21 May 2016
Montemarcello is a very beautiful village in the Regional natural Park of Montemarcello-Magra.
This scenic spot offers an extraordinary view on the Gulf of La Spezia, also called Gulf of Poets. Visibility was good, but not great. Light would also be better at other times. But it is not always possible choose the best time.
To understand Hans-Jörg's comment, it is advisable to read the comments of the pano 22383.

8 photos; 165mm; f8; 1/1600 sec.; 100 ISO.


Dear Giuseppe - a panorama with the common point Tino Island follows in the next weeks, but my riddle is taken further north - take a look to the comment in my solved riddle. I was never on Tino Island, but the area south of Riomaggiore to La Spezia seems to be a beautiful region too ...

Have a good start into the new week and cordial greetings
2017/10/16 06:52 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
And know you what's the worst thing?
That I was in that place.....
But I like to guess instinctively without searching.
2017/10/16 09:52 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Dear Giuseppe, this pano demands at least a double pixel height or more because you never can get this sharp with a meager 500.
2017/10/16 19:39 , Mentor Depret
Dear Mentor, you're right. But equally important would be to have the right light.
Sooner or later I will be back and hope to have the right light.
2017/10/16 19:51 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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