Zadar from above   62620
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1 Otok Murter, 44 km
2 P. 85 m (Pasman), 29 km
3 Otok Pašman 257 m, 16 km
4 Otok Kornat 218 m, 33 km
5 Otok Kornat 218 m, 31 km
6 Church of St. Marie
7 Otok Ošljak, 4 km
8 Otok Ugljan
9 Churchruin of St. Michael
10 P. 266 m, 7 km
11 Dugi Otok, 26 km
12 Otok Sestrunj, 16 km
13 Church of St. Francis
14 Otok Sestrunj, 23 km
15 Otok Molat, 35 km
16 Otok Ist 160 m, 40 km
17 Osoršćica 557 m, 91 km
19 Sveto Brdo 1751 m, 36 km
20 Veliki Crnopac 1404 m, 51 km
21 Jurisinka 674 m, 38 km
22 Dinara 1830 m, 92 km
23 Lisanjski Vrh 1781 m (Bosnia), 103 km


Location: Tower of Cathedral of St. Anastasia (28 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Croatia      Date: 2017-07-05, 11:11
The most obvious viewpoint in Zadar for tourists is the bell tower of the Cathedral of St. Anastasia. For a modest fee one can get up on balcony and enjoy the unspoilt view. I can't find anything about the height, so I have entered the height from the best udeuschle simulation.

I have made a different schnitt than Leonhard Huber, as can be seen in the "Panos from the vicinity". Apart from that, some very far views can just barely be seen. I have uploaded a 100 % crop of the farthest part of the pano, on my testsite #10164.

Pano made from 22 pics (RAW), Canon 6D, 50 mm, iso 100, f/9, 1/400 sec, developed in DPP (daylight, neutral, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, contrast in GIMP, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.


Again, very nice colors and dito pano.
2017/09/25 19:13 , Mentor Depret
Beautiful portrait of this city. I also like the "Bildschnitt" (how do you say this in English?) very much. Cheers, Martin
2017/09/25 19:22 , Martin Kraus
I would call it a nice 'picture framing' ... ;-)
LG Arno
2017/09/25 19:39 , Arno Bruckardt
A very good point of observation over the city and surroundings.
2017/09/27 23:02 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Not typical for you that you show us a pano with a view from a tower. I like these natural colours of the summer.
LG Jörg
2017/09/29 20:22 , Jörg Nitz
Sehr schön,
dort oben waren wir Mitte August auch;
leider kann ich nicht mehr zeigen, meine Festplatte mit ca. 60 T Bilder
hat sich verabschiedet ... :-(.
LG, Danko.
2017/10/15 05:39 , Danko Rihter

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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