View from Capoliveri   62683
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1 Isola di Montecristo
2 Isola di Pianosa
4 Isola Corbella
5 Monte Asto, 1309m; 97,3Km
6 Capo della Stella
7 Capo di Poro
8 Monte Poro, 153m
9 Monte Capo Stella, 155m
10 Monte Tambone, 378m
11 Monte Capanne, 1017m
12 Golfo Stella
13 Monte Giove, 853m
14 Monte Barbatoia, 359m
15 Monte Orello, 377m
16 Capoliveri


Location: Capoliveri (167 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 23 April 2016
One of you should easily guess....


Sono senza suggestione, ma mi piace la posizione della questa cittadina.
Saluti Wolfgang

(Potrebbe essere nella Liguria, ma anche nella Grecia...)
2016/11/19 23:11 , Wolfgang Bremer
Guess it's me being the one who should know the place. Please note #11186 and its even more clear view in the same direction. Montecristo and Pianosa are the bonus isles here. Best regards Peter
2016/11/19 23:40 , Peter Brandt
Amazing how different these two neighboring views are. Cheers, Martin
2016/11/20 12:50 , Martin Kraus
The glimmering light in the sea and the coloured houses at the end for me are the highlights of this very nice panorama.
LG Jörg
2016/11/20 17:20 , Jörg Nitz
@Wolfgang: I think you have gone near. It is quite similar to some Ligurian landscapes.
@Peter: Yes, you had uploaded a pano not far away and, if you were online, I was sure that you would have guessed.
@Martin and Jörg: I agree with you.
2016/11/21 22:07 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I've never visit Elba - but you make me very curious, Giuseppe!!

Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
2016/11/27 09:16 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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