3 Brothers Beach   42734
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1 Walkway between two rocks


Location: Portugal-Algarve-Portimão-Alvor-Rock Beach      by: Miguel Peixeiro
Area: Portugal      Date: Aug.2008
Tripod 14mm iso100 f22
12 photos make this panorama


Vamos a la playa :-) (spanish I know , sorry). Nice shot btw, but before I vote I wanted to mention that the horizon is o.k. but what about the restaurant to the right ? It threatens to collapse ! Greetings Hans-Jürgen
2008/11/04 11:14 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
to Hans-Jürgen Bayer 
Hi,thanks your visit.It´s the problem to shot at this distance at 14mm panorama,but i garantee the restaurant efective have some inclination and if you want to see it i can put another image in google earth to confirm that.I try to build this panorama in panorama factory program in a 360º but the restaurant is build with that same inclination and i can´t do it,so i make the panorama in PS manual mode(interactive layout).Thanks again Hans-Jürgen Bayer and take my best greetings.
2008/11/05 15:21 , Miguel Peixeiro
...LOL "vamos à la playa" in Portuguese is almost same "Vamos à praia" hehe! Visit on gogle earth.In left point near from water,there are a passege to other many passeges/cave´s to another beautiful beachs.Thanks and great panorama photos to all.
2008/11/05 15:30 , Miguel Peixeiro
Think I could localize it. Between the two bigger rocks on the right hand side there appears to be a walkway to the beach (I added a legend to your pano). Nice location, Aldeamento Prainha Club. Cheers Hans-Jürgen
2008/11/05 18:45 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer

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Miguel Peixeiro

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