Cerro Huemul, 2677 |
(Cerro Bertrand, 3270) |
Glaciar Río Tunel Inferior |
Paso del Viento, 1428 |
Hielo Sur |
Cerro Grande, 2751 |
Cerro Ñato, 2797 |
Cerro Adela Sur, 2840 |
Cerro Torre, 3102 |
Glaciar Grande |
Domo Blanco, 2507 |
Aguja Bifida, 2394 |
El Mocho, 1953 |
Cerro Piergiorgio, 2719 |
Cerro Pollone, 2579 |
Boquete del Piergiorgio |
Aguja Stefan |
Glaciar Torre |
Aguja Pollone |
Filo del Hombre Sentado |
Aguja Desmochada, 2700 |
"Fitzroy of the Poor", 1770 |
Aguja de la Silla, 2938 |
Fitzroy, 3405 |
Aguja Poincenot, 3002 |
Aguja Saint-Exupéry, 2558 |
Mojon Rojo, 2163 |
Techado Negro, 2152 |
N.18971 |
Cerro Ñire |
Loma de las Pizarras. 1691 |
Mirador Maestri |
Laguna Torre |
Cerro Solo, 2121 |
An unknown viewpoint between Glaciar Rio Tunel Inferior and Glaciar Grande.
11HF, Canon G1X, 28 mm, f/5.6, 1/1250 sec https://goo.gl/1cncEC |
Just the timing was not ideal - the cerro torre should have bluesky in the background ;-)
Unfortunately, these dull mountains seems to exert very little attraction on tourists.
Regarding this point, I invite you to become viewer number 33 (thirty-three!) of the full-size version on Panoramio linked above. In that picture you can spot plenty of features of this region, however dull it may be.
Cheers, Alberto.
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