Il Lungarno di Pisa   103039
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1 Lungarno Pacinotti
2 Ponte di Mezzo
3 Arno
4 Lungarno Gambacorti
5 Santa Maria della Spina
6 Ponte Solferino


Location: Pisa (Lungarno Pacinotti)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: December 2015
The "Lungarno" are the roads that border the river Arno in the cities where Arno passes through.
The Lungarno most famous are in Florence and in Pisa.

The most famous building that you see in this part of the Lungarno of Pisa is the small and famous gothic church of Santa Maria della Spina. The church was originally built at the level of the river Arno. In 1871 the church was dismantled and rebuilt on a higher level due to dangerous infiltration of water from the Arno river.


2016/01/02 12:38 , Christian Hönig
Hello Christian and happy new year. It looks very similar to certain zones of Florence, but it is not Florence.
2016/01/02 13:00 , Giuseppe Marzulli
It is Pisa.
LG Jörg
2016/01/02 13:30 , Jörg Nitz
Indeed Jörg, it is Pisa near Ponte Solferino !
2016/01/02 21:53 , Mentor Depret
Ok. You have been all good. Christian was also very close. Maybe it was too easy. For me it is not easy to understand if a proposal is too easy or too difficult.
2016/01/02 22:51 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Very beautiful reflections in the Arno - well done Giuseppe!

Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
2016/01/03 18:18 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
I like motif, light and reflection.
2016/01/03 23:43 , Jörg Braukmann
Praticamente sei davanti al Timpano, dove ai miei tempi alloggiavano i "letterati" della Normale - noi "scienziati" stavano al "Vecchio" o al "Nuovo", in Piazza Cavalieri.
2016/01/06 17:46 , Pedrotti Alberto
Ho una panoramica 360° di Piazza dei Cavalieri in notturna, ma è parecchio difficile e mi ci vuole tempo per lavorarci su.
2016/01/06 20:09 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Great pano. And how well you have positioned the moon ;-) Cheers, Martin
2016/01/15 20:50 , Martin Kraus

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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