Fluctuat nec mergitur   82819
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1 Basilique de Montmartre
2 Saint-Augustin
3 Opéra Garnier
4 La Madeleine
5 Centre Pompidou (Beaubourg)
6 Louvre
7 Avenue des Champs-Élysées
8 Notre-Dame
9 Panthéon
10 Dôme des Invalides
11 Tour Montparnasse
12 Tour Eiffel


Location: Paris (Arc de Triomphe)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: France      Date: August 2013
Fluctuat nec mergitur is the motto of Paris.
It is a Latin phrase meaning "She is tossed by the waves but does not sink".

Je tiens à exprimer ma solidarité avec le peuple de France et les Parisiens en particulier.


A Very Nice Quote and the Motto of Paris. Just thinking how it can be translated... maybe "Gestürzt aber nicht gefallen", maybe I'm wrong. VG HJ

A very nice pano too !
2015/11/23 22:08 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
HJB thanks for the reply. I can not be helpful. The Latin motto is not easy to translate even in Italian. Maybe Alberto that he knows Latin and discreetly German could be of help.

The motto is written with the lighting on the Eiffel Tower.
2015/11/23 22:21 , Giuseppe Marzulli
«Schwankt, ohne aber zu sinken»
Bel pensiero, data la congiuntura...
Saluti, Alberto.
2015/11/23 22:44 , Pedrotti Alberto
bene. Das klingt gut Alberto ! Grazie HJ
2015/11/23 23:04 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Giuseppe, is it a part of your panorama No. 14065?
2015/11/23 23:06 , Heinz Höra
Hello Heinz. Yes, it's a different frame on the same point of view. I do not ever repeat the pano with different frame, but in this case I made an exception.
2015/11/24 20:53 , Giuseppe Marzulli
tossed but not sunk 
Here's a better one in German "Angeschlagen aber nicht angezählt".
2015/11/25 14:20 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
I love this city!
2015/11/26 15:53 , Jörg Braukmann

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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