Southern Mainland of Shetland (solved riddle)   173682
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2 Sneugla 418 m, 59 km
3 Fitful Head 283 m, 12 km
4 Sumburgh Head
5 Ward of Scousburgh 263 m, 14 km
7 Royal Field 293 m, 23 km
8 Shurton 177 m, 36 km
9 Noness, 16 km
11 Ward of Bressay 226 m, 34 km
13 Anderhill 144 m, 37 km
15 Noss Head 181 m, 36 km


Location: Off Sumburgh Head (30 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: United Kingdom      Date: 2015-07-26, 11:30
This summer we went to the Faroe Islands for the summer. We took the ferry from Hirtshals, Northern Jutland, because we wanted to enjoy a relaxed period with ourselves, and, for my part, perhaps getting to see some seabirds and the landscapes of southern Norway and Shetland.

We departed in heavy weather (strong winds and rain) on the afternoon of 2015-07-25, but after a few hours the rain stopped, and very conveniently also the wind had calmed down around time for the passage of southern Norway (I hope to produce a pano of that soon) after supper. After a night of uneven sleep and a good solid breakfast, we enjoyed a calm sea, fair weather, clear sky, and the wildest approach on Shetland. Our view went from Fair Isle (app 40 km to the southwest) to the Holm of Noss (app 40 km to the northeast). We were very lucky with the timing of the passage related to the time of day and the weather. How often will that happen?

The pano originally put on as a riddle: Going on vacation, this view suddenly presented itself - completely surprising to me. Does anybody know what I am looking at? And from where? Hope you will join in...:-)

The pano was made from 11 pics (70-200mm, @70mm), f/8, 1/1000 sec, iso-200, RAWs developed in DPP (cloudy, neutral, ALO off, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTgui pro, contrast increased in GIMP (curves), downscaled and sharpened in Irfanview.


Somewhere between the Scottish North Coast and the Orkney / Shetland Islands? Later in the evening I will try to give a more concrete idea. Regards Peter
2015/08/06 19:00 , Peter Brandt
You are quite warm, Peter...I think you can work it out quickly :-)
2015/08/06 19:58 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
I'm fascinated by this pano and wanted to share my thoughts already earlier the day. Peter gave a direction which I would have mentioned as well, but I'm not good in these things ! Fascinated by the depth of view especially on the right of the pano.
There are a lot (at least 2) antennas on the top of the mountains, maybe I also see a radom and radio equipment. A lighthouse in front ?
Possible to see parts of Spitzbergen ?
2015/08/06 20:34 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Amazing show of a northern coast!
LG Jörg
2015/08/06 20:37 , Jörg Nitz
I have boosted the contrast a bit, so try f5; the sun just hasn't got any bite in this part of the world.

HJB1, thanks for the appreciation. Spitzbergen is a bit too far; check out Peters ideas. LG Jan.
2015/08/06 20:39 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Yes, I did F5 and now checking the other region .... Contrast - What a difference this makes ... but I liked much the misty mood of the pano. But on the other hand it is crisp clear now ;-) VG HJ
Both versions are charming !
2015/08/06 20:42 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Played soccer at Faroe Islands ?
2015/08/06 20:45 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
I placed a description at one lighthouse. A Shetland Island one supposedly ...
2015/08/06 21:22 , Peter Brandt
Again a very quickly solved riddle; well done, Peter! Feel free to put on any trophy-labels you want :-) As you can perhaps imagine, the pano was shot from a ferry, this one:

HJB1, the Faroes was indeed my goal for this summer, but they don't need help from the outside regarding football, maybe some austrian colleages can remember that?

I will make a little description soon...
2015/08/06 22:42 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Some labels and description done...
2015/08/07 12:00 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Yesterday my first idea was Scotland too - i did some research on the Outer Hebrides ... unfortunately not successful.

Absolutely great view Jan!!! I'm looking forward to more impressions!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2015/08/07 14:05 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Eine imposante Küstenlandschaft, gefällt mir sehr gut!
2015/08/07 14:47 , Friedemann Dittrich
Weckt nach zwei Wochen Alpen wieder meine Sehnsucht nach der See.
Eine absolut fein gezeichnete Wiedergabe - mit dem neuen Objektiv.
2015/08/07 18:30 , Heinz Höra
Interesting and impressive.
Greetings Wolfgang
2015/08/09 00:21 , Wolfgang Bremer
I would have preferred more of the sea and less of the sky, but it's also beautiful like that. KR Wilfried
2015/08/09 18:19 , Wilfried Malz
Great pano, highly interesting - your were really lucky. The hills are smaller than the parts of Scotland I know better, but much larger than what we usually see from you ;-) Cheers, Martin
2015/08/20 19:32 , Martin Kraus
@Wilfried: The dominance of sky vs. sea is an eternal struggle...I have tried many variations, and it is always somehow a gutfeeling what works best. Here I think the clouds contributed to the composition better than the sea.

@Martin: You are absolutely right. Since Denmark is lower than 200m and almost entirely made by gravel, clay and sand, even small rocks are beatiful and interesting to me.

Thanks to everybody for showing interest.
2015/08/23 17:39 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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