Basilicata   82977
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1 Pisticci


Location: Craco      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: July 2015
It is a typical summer landscape of Basilicata. Basilicata, also known as Lucania, is a region in the south of Italy. The combination of the mountainous terrain combined with the rock and soil types makes landslides prevalent. This problem is compounded by the lack of forested land. However, these features make the landscape very peculiar and interesting.


Inner Andalusia for the landscape and the white villages ?
I would say somewhere between Cordoba and Granada.
2015/07/26 23:46 , Harry Dobrzanski
Hello Harry and thanks for your answer. The landscape resembles enough to Andalusia, but is not in Andalusia.
2015/07/27 00:22 , Giuseppe Marzulli
A feature of this region is that the houses are white, as told by Harry, but towns are not built on the valley floor, as usually happens, but on the highest hills. This is due to the fact that in the past these were malarial areas and the higher parts were free of the Anopheles mosquito.
I have indicated, for example, a town, with the letter P.
2015/07/27 18:28 , Giuseppe Marzulli
When I first saw this in the morning, I had a rough idea that this must be a certain region of Italy. Your hint with the labeled town made it easier to scan Google Earth - you are standing near the village of C...o, somewhere below the Cimitero Comunale (all knowledge borrowed from Google Maps and Google Street View - I have never been there). The river in the valley below reaches the sea at the Marina di P... (with P the same as the labeled town) Cheers, Martin
2015/07/27 19:19 , Martin Kraus
Bravissimo. I think that this was very difficult, but with a bit of intuition one could succeed.
2015/07/27 19:28 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Incredible Landscape!
2015/07/28 08:42 , Sebastian Becher
Nuovamente un paesaggio molto suggestivo.
Saluti Wolfgang
2015/07/29 17:06 , Wolfgang Bremer
Bellissime quelle forme di erosione.
Le piú belle ricordo di averle viste sulla strada da Valle Sinni a Santa Maria d'Anglona, poco piú a sud di qui.
Saluti, Alberto.
2015/09/04 12:15 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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