Palermo   73595
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1 Capo Zafferano
2 Monte Catalfano, 376m
3 Solunto
4 Bagheria
5 Monte San Calogero, 1326m
6 Villabate
7 Pizzo di Trigna, 1257m
8 Montagna Grande, 645m
9 Monte Grifone, 832m
10 Teatro Massimo
11 Monte Moarda, 1078m
12 Monte Matassaro Renna, 1151m
13 Monte Gibilmesi, 1152m
14 Monte Cuccio. 1050m


Location: Monte Pellegrino      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 5 May 2015
Palermo is the capital of the Sicily. The city was founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians as Ziz ('flower'). Palermo then became a possession of Carthage, before becoming part of the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire and eventually part of the Byzantine Empire, for over a thousand years. The Greeks named the city Panormus meaning 'complete port'. From 831 to 1072 it was under Arab rule during the Emirate of Sicily when it first became a capital. The Arabs corrupted the Greek name into Balarm, the root for its present-day name. Following the Norman reconquest, Palermo became capital of a new kingdom (from 1130 to 1816), the Kingdom of Sicily. Eventually it would be united with the Kingdom of Naples to form the Two Sicilies until the Italian unification of 1860 (from Wikipedia).

Palermo is a city with a great historical heritage, arts and culture, but, unfortunately, after the Second World War it was devastated by an incredible mix of mafia and corrupt politics. This devastation is known as the "sack of Palermo".

Nonetheless, the city, despite being very chaotic, still has many artistic treasures of its past.


The first Pano from Palermo and with a very nice view !
2015/05/19 10:13 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Grande trittico siculo, il tuo!
(O trittico dalla Trinacria, se preferisci)
2015/05/19 20:03 , Pedrotti Alberto
What i´m thinking about when i hear Palermo is Mafia.. I´m really sorry for this.. But the Pano and the Landscape looks really fine! Tanti saluti Seb
2015/05/20 18:41 , Sebastian Becher
Meglio la vista da sopra, che in città con la macchina......
Che casino!!! :-).
Bella panoramica, saluti Patrick
2015/05/20 19:10 , Patrick Runggaldier
The city makes a fearsome impression is reinforced by the mountains. But the port probably opened some freedom. The panorama that shows very well.
2015/05/20 22:56 , Heinz Höra
A magnificent view over Palermo!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2015/05/23 14:31 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
La conca d'oro nei tempi passati, oggi la conca dello calcestruzzo. 
Diversi anni fa, quando ho viaggiato sulla Sicilia, il viaggio è iniziato con un treno notturno da Milano a Palermo. Il guida turistiche, che ho già menzionato in altri commenti, ci ha aspettato per noi nella stazione Palermo Centrale. Per spostare le gambe dopo una notte e un giorno nel treno lui ha suggerito una breve passeggiata attraverso la zona vicina. Buona idea, ma a Palermo? Non c'era nessuna vera ricreazione in queste stradine strette senza aria fresca, ma con ancora più Vespa che persone. Quando ci siamo incontrati di nuovo per andare in albergo un'ora in autobus, lui ha raccontato di una frase idiomatica, quella lui sapeva. Quando le persone sono rumorosi, frenetico e caotico di più del necessario, si dice in Italia: '' Fare un Palermo. '' Non avremmo capito senza il breve impressione, e per i tedeschi è una cosa divertente, perché suona come Pa-LÄRM-o.

Several years ago, when I traveled to Sicily, the trip began with a night train from Milano to Palermo. The guide, I already mentioned in other comments, waited for us in Palermo Centrale. To move our legs after a night and a day in the railway he suggested a short walk through the vicinity. Good idea, but in Palermo? There was no real recreation in these narrow lanes without of fresh air, but with even more Vespas than people. When we met again to go to the hotel another hour by bus, he told us about an idiomatic phrase, he knew. When people are noisy, hectic and chaotic more then necessary, it is said in Italy: ''Fare un Palermo.'' We wouldn't have understood without of the short impression, and for Germans it's a funny thing, because it sounds like Pa-LÄRM-o.
Saluti Wolfgang
2015/05/27 00:45 , Wolfgang Bremer

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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