At the Bray Cross   83904
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1 Little Sugar Loaf, 342
2 Great Sugar Loaf, 501
3 Djouce Mountain, 725
4 War Hill, 686
5 Maulin, 570
6 Tonduff, 644
7 Kippure, 757
8 Seefingan, 723
9 Prince William's seat, 555
10 Glendoo Mountain, 586
11 Two Rock Mountain, 536
12 Bray
13 Shankill
14 Killiney Hill
15 Sorrento Point
16 Bray Cross
17 Dalkey Island
18 Howth peninsula
19 Lambay Island
20 Path to Greystones
21 Bray Head


Location: Bray Cross (200 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Ireland      Date: 18-04-2015
A place that I like much, south of Dublin.

The Bray Head marks the point where the Wicklow mountains sink into the Irish Sea. If you are in town, for a short outdoor trip you will probably be in doubt between Howth and Bray. Although the former is more popular among tourists, I prefer the latter, and I hope that the quiet mood which the picture tries to capture will help to understand why.
In case you have just a couple of hours, you can limit yourself to a return walk to the scenic cross, like I did here. Otherwise, you will choose the 7 km southbound trail to Greystones, which is the terminal of the very efficient DART train, linking the whole of the Dublin coast. The railway, which in this rocky stretch is continuously in and out of a tunnel, is a scenic view in itself.

The Betrachter who feels an inclination towards adventurous research can carry out a pixel-by-pixel inspection of the larger in search for the 135 km far Snowdon, highest peak in Wales, promised at 95° by Udeuschle. I have tried this out, but without success. The operation had been even more desperate, and bound to failure, in because of the thick cloud covering the Irish Channel - and only it - right in its middle.
This failure was indeed a pity - I suspect that spotting the Cambrian Mountains skyline from here would have been a remarkable achievement in the business of Fernsicht on the British islands.


Unususally minimalistic in description and labelling, but still a very nice view. Cheers, Martin
2015/05/14 10:57 , Martin Kraus
minimalistic vote
2015/05/14 16:52 , Christoph Seger
Martin: sorry to remark what follows, but I believe that this minimalism is simply a reaction to the average behaviour that I detect on the site. I mean: a horizon skewness of maybe 0.5° (and, more often than not, only an apparent or a suspected one) may trigger either a fluorishing of comments, or, on the opposite side, a mysterious silence and avoidance around the (maybe valuable) work. I mean: in either case, it causes some observable effect.
I do not see a likewise clear correlation between the quality - accuracy - instructiveness - originality of the accompanying text and the overall interest around the accompanied work. (As a prolific author of well-researched and highly informative texts, you are indeed a staple for my statistical considerations). Sometimes, to say it all, I even have the impression that some texts are read and considered only by a "faithful" minority.
So, what you gently criticize is nothing but a half-unconscious response to this perceived state of things. Beware that it is also the admission of a personal weakness, since it is clear to me that one should be strong enough to follow his instinct (and mine would indeed say: write, were it only for respect of the last surviving reader) in spite of considerations of this type.
But - you know - we are men, so we are by definition full of weaknesses and, I guess, the one depicted here is not even the worst...
Cheers, Alberto.
2015/05/14 22:59 , Pedrotti Alberto
Atmospheric motive - good implementation. Really, more information and description would be desirable.
2015/05/14 23:08 , Jörg Braukmann
Ti capisco, Alberto, è un posto magico. La prima volta che sono stato in Irlanda sono stato a Dublino, che come città non mi è piaciuta troppo. Mi è stato però sufficiente andare a Howth per innamorarmi dell' Irlanda. Ho nostalgia del cielo d' Irlanda, ma ci vorrà tempo prima che ci torni.
2015/05/17 00:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Sehr schöne Farben und ein guter Bildaufbau mit den Felsen im Vordergrund.
LG Fried
2015/05/17 07:48 , Friedemann Dittrich
Thanks for the updated information, and also for your comment which contains some truth. In one of my recent panos, I checked the page hits and compared to the new page hits of a panorama repeatedly mentioned in the accompanying text - apparently only 10% of viewers (whom I assume to be the core community here) bothered to fully read the text and follow the link. This is why a person close to me always claims "Man macht die Dinge für sich selber." Cheers, Martin
2015/05/18 20:41 , Martin Kraus
Forgive us, Alberto. Inventing new comments is sometimes hard! But watching is always a joy! KR Jan.
2015/05/26 17:58 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen

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Pedrotti Alberto

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