At the frozen lake   63526
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1 Hotel Solisko
2 Krivan - 2494 m
3 Sedielkova Kopa - 2067 m
4 Liptovska veza - 2272 m
5 Strbske Solisko - 2320 m
6 Strbske Pleso Ski Jump
7 Strbski stit - 2381 m
8 Satan - 2421 m
9 Patria - 2203 m
10 Wolowa turnia - 2373 m
11 Zabi Kon - 2291 m
12 Rysy - 2501 m
13 hotel FIS
14 Kopky - 2354 m
15 Tazky stit - 2520 m
16 Vysoka - 2560 m
17 Draci stit - 2523 m
18 Ganek - 2462 m
19 Rumanov stit - 2428 m
20 Zlobiva - 2426 m
21 Ostrva - 1984 m
22 Tupa - 2285 m
23 Koncista - 2538 m
24 Gerlach ridge


Location: Strbske Pleso (1346 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Slovakia      Date: 5.02.2014


selten cool! LG Winfried
2014/02/13 22:05 , Winfried Borlinghaus
Very interesting! And next, please, Popradske Pleso and/or the Symbolicki Cintorin in winter conditions...
2014/02/14 16:57 , Pedrotti Alberto
Sorry, but i haven`t got. I have only in autumn during fen wind.
2014/02/14 17:20 , Konrad Sus
you really have fen (föhn) wind ?? Tell me about - strong southern breeze and rather warm?
2014/02/14 18:10 , Christoph Seger
Yes, in Poland we called this wind "halny". Its warm, strong, from south. Now, on this winter halny blows often, almost every week, but this winter is enormous warm. Last Christmas halny caused a lot of damage.
2014/02/14 22:06 , Konrad Sus
Sehr schön gezeigt. (I like Stredohory vychod and Stredohory zapad)
Herzliche Grüße Velten
2014/02/16 12:46 , Velten Feurich

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Konrad Sus


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