Polish and Slovakian Carpathians - reedit   124288
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1 Cergov
2 Mincol
3 Eliaszowka
4 Cierna hora
5 Levockie Vrchy
6 Siminy
7 Werchliczka
8 Slovensky Raj
9 Smerekova
10 Magura Spisska
11 Kralova Hola
12 Wysoka
13 Homole Gorge
14 Nizke Tatry
15 Durbaszka
16 Male Pieniny
17 Slavkovsky stit
18 Lomnicki stit
19 Pysni stit
20 Vysoke Tatry
21 Ladovy stit
22 Vysoka
23 Rysy
24 Zdziarska Vidla
25 Havran
26 Belanske Tatry
27 Wysoki Wierch
28 Muran
29 Woloszyn
30 Rabsztyn
31 Kasprowy Wierch
32 Plasna
33 Czerwone Wierchy
34 Giewont
35 Tatry Zachodnie
36 Salatin
37 Brestova
38 Czorsztynskie Lake
39 Osobita
40 Sokolica
41 Skorusina
42 Pieniny
43 Trzy Korony
44 Zar - Branisko
45 Pilsko
46 Wdzar
47 Beskid Zywiecki
48 Babia Gora
49 Luban
50 Turbacz
51 Gorce
52 Beskid Sadecki
53 Dzwkonkowa


Location: Wielki Rogacz (1050 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Poland      Date: 20.10.2012
It was perfect autumn day. Photo was taken from path to Wielki Rogacz - hill in Beskid Sadecki Mountains. This range is low and forested (maximum height - Radziejowa - 1266 m, at this summit is sight tower, worthy to visit - in future I will upload panorama from there), but there are many meadows with wide view. From here we can see Tatras - highest range in whole Carpathians and many lower ranges - abot 1000 - 1700 meters. As you see, the best period to visit is october, because most of trees are beech, wchich leaves are brown - red. Its also good sight point to Pieniny - small but pictoresque range built by limestone. Its easy to reach upper part of Beskid Sadecki, because there`s road to Rozdziele Pass at 800 m (few hundred meter from Polish/Slovakian border) - from town Piwniczna (famous about mineral water).


Wonderful landscape in perfect light - when i see the colours i feel reminded of my panorama #14053 ;-) ... Konrad, i think it's more impressive, if you can cut the sky 10-15%!?! What do you think about? Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2013/11/23 10:27 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Maybe you`re right. I`ll think about it.
2013/11/23 11:43 , Konrad Sus
I agree with Hans-Jörg. Some distances would be nice. LG Fried
2013/11/23 11:49 , Friedemann Dittrich
Very nice picture, and a great improvement compared to your prior ones.
2013/11/23 14:50 , Jens Vischer
very nice pano! Can you please specify photo shoot characteristics please?
2013/11/23 20:42 , Mentor Depret
Its four stitched photos, taken from hand (without tripod), camera - Canon PS SX 40 HS, 1/800s, f/4, ISO - 125, 5mm
2013/11/23 21:04 , Konrad Sus
It is a very beautiful and uncommon landscape.
2013/11/23 23:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Impressive colors and a wonderfully clear view. Also, the horizon seems to be true. Maybe you can add some more description of that place. I`m glad about so many labels but I miss some information about the elevation.
2013/11/23 23:28 , Jörg Braukmann
Ein Mittelgebirge mit einem kleinen Hochgebirge dazwischen. Ein toller Blick auf die Hohe Tatra. Faszinierend.

Jörg E.
2013/11/23 23:31 , Jörg Engelhardt
Super Konrad, der Reload mit dem geringeren Himmelsanteil hat sich meines Erachtens voll gelohnt - die imposante Landschaft kommt noch besser zur Geltung!! LG Hans-Jörg
2013/11/24 12:15 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
As Jörg Braukmann wish, I added some informations about place, where from panorama was taken. Thanks to Hans-Jörg Bäuerle panorama looks better. Thanks for good advices.
2013/11/24 12:49 , Konrad Sus
Wonderful and international: a work full of qualities!
2013/11/24 17:12 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Konrad Sus


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