The lands of northern Øresund   113708
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1 Kattegat
2 Kullen, 22 km
3 Mölle, 21 km
5 Håkull 188 m, 22 km
6 Øresund
7 Bjäre peninsula 180 m, 43 km
8 P. 207 m, 43 km
10 Höganäs, 16 km
11 Högalteknall 226 m, 51 km
12 P. 189 m, 59 km
13 Boarps Backar 132 m, 48 km
14 Svedberga 62 m, 22 km
15 Viken, 14 km
16 Boarps Backer 135 m, 48 km
17 Söderåsen 210 m, 44 km
18 Hornbæk Plantage forest 49 m, 10 km
19 Hornbæk, 6 km
20 Chimney in Helsingør, 16 km
21 P. 67 m, 15 km
22 whose car?
23 Danstrup Hegn forest, 14 km
24 Multebjerg 89 m, 14 km


Location: Hesbjerg (50 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2013-10-12, 15:03
Hesbjerg is an old favourite of mine. In the 90's I spent many hours in the spring here, looking for raptors and enjoying the view.

The view goes much farther into Sweden than into Denmark. The view is better than from Gilbjerg (#14004), except here you don't see Hallands Väderö. From here one can see, that north-eastern Sjælland is more forested than the rest of Sjælland.

I was here for the first time in many years, with my son, and I almost had forgot how beautiful it is - but sadly also growing over, as so many other viewpoints:-( It is a tumulus with a 100x25x25 cm trigonometric stone on top. I managed to "climb" it and shoot a couple of series just in time before clouds closed in for good. Sadly, I had to descent for the tele series, so as to prevent any damage to equipment, teeth and bones:-)

Maybe the leaves and twigs in the two sides are disturbing, I just like to frame the pano, so one can see why it ends.

Pano made from 21 pics (RAW), 50 mm, iso-100, 1/400 sec, f/8, developed in DPP (neutral, cloudy, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTgui pro, minor contrast adjustment in GIMP (less highlights, the shadows brightened), re-scaling and sharpening in IrfanView.


Die Kletterpartie hat sich gelohnt. Tolle Herbststimmung!

Jörg E.
2013/10/18 23:37 , Jörg Engelhardt
Indian summer in Denmark - wonderful colours Jan! I've also discovered this 'Aussichtspunkt' when i try to solve your riddle!! Very nice that you show this panorama, it offers a fantastic view of the region 'Nordsjælland' and Sverige! LG Hans-Jörg
2013/10/19 11:19 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
as Hans-Jörg already noted - beautiful colors!
2013/10/19 22:04 , Matthias Stoffels
Gute Fernsicht und eine eindrückliche Herbstdokumentation: links die wunderbar beleuchtete Farbenpracht, rechts der schon leicht melancholische Teil. LG Fried
2013/10/20 07:59 , Friedemann Dittrich
Danke - nice that you have done your homework, Hans-Jörg:-) LG Jan.
2013/10/20 11:41 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Very nice! Didn't really realize how popular the term Indian Summer is in Europe! Cheers, Augustin
2013/10/20 14:40 , Augustin Werner
Das eine sieht aber nicht unbedingt aus wie ein Land made of mud. Das ist eben so eine zwiespältige Sache, wenn dazu noch in der Ferne dieses verheisungsvolle, felsige Land herüberschaut. Beides hast Du in einem beeindruckenden Panorama vereinigt, in dem ich aber noch Potential zu noch größerer Vollendung sehe. Die Aussage ließe sich noch viel mehr straffen, viel mehr als nur in den von Dir selbst angedeuteten Zweigen. Was gäbe das für einen schönen Spannugsbogen, wenn es mit dem Weg, auf dem die beiden Menschen in der Sonne schreiten, beginnt, und endet mit dem im Schatten liegenden Haus, das trotzdem verheißungsvoll leuchtet.
(Jan, entschuldige wieder mal, daß ich nicht versuche, das ins Englische zu übersetzen. Den tieferen Sinn meiner Worte würde ich niemals dorthin transportieren können.)
2013/10/20 23:20 , Heinz Höra
"Indian summer in Denmark" was my first intesion when I saw your pano. But after reading the comments I recognized that I am not the first who thought this :-)
LG Jörg
2013/10/20 23:33 , Jörg Nitz
@Heinz, that is all OK. I understand german pretty well, I just don't write it so well. I will think about your suggestion.

@Indian summer: I understand why you think of that, since the colours are somewhat northamerican. This autumn has been strange, since there has been very little rain, and very little wind. That sort of preserves the leaves on the trees in all kinds of colours. But I think of Indian Summers as warm and quiet in early autumn, and it hasn't been particular warm in September and October, kind of chilly, actually...but great fernsichts durchaus! LG Jan.
2013/10/20 23:46 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
My car:-)
2013/10/23 19:22 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
The change of light upon scrolling makes this one really interesting. Cheers, Martin
2013/11/08 19:26 , Martin Kraus

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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