I Piani di Castelluccio   93399
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1 Monte Guaidone 1647m
2 Poggio di Croce, 1833 m
3 Pines Map of Italy
4 Monte Lieto, 1944 m
5 Castelluccio
6 Monte Prata, 1800 m


Location: Castelluccio di Norcia      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: August 2013
The Piani di Castelluccio (Castelluccio Plateau) are a karst plateau of the central Apennines and represent the bottom of an ancient Apennine lake, now dried up, and known for its karst features.
In my opinion, in the spring, during the period of the blooms, it is one of the most beautiful Italian landscapes.


I would love to look at flowers and butterflies here, whoosh! KR Jan.
2013/09/02 18:00 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Absolutely stunning. A landscape so strange to me being so close to me ....
Herzlichst Christoph
2013/09/02 21:19 , Christoph Seger
"Sorpresa per Cuore"! 
Wunderschön, plus Farbigkeit!
Saluti di Walter
2013/09/03 08:34 , Walter Schmidt
Very beautiful, much more colourful than I would have expected! Saluti da Toronto, Augustin
2013/09/03 19:03 , Augustin Werner
Anche senza lenticchie rimane uno dei posti piú fotogenici d'Italia!
P.S.: come mai la scelta di stare piú basso rispetto a Forcella di Presta?
2013/09/03 19:05 , Pedrotti Alberto
Thanks for the comments. The plateau of Castelluccio di Norcia is one of the most beautiful Italian landscapes. I recommend that you visit during the period of flowering, when the plateau is filled with colors of all kinds. Unfortunately, the period of the blooms may vary. It is usually towards the end of June, but it can be earlier or later, depending on the climatic variations. If anyone can to be there at that time, will see a wonderful show.
@Alberto: come posizione di scatto per vedere i Piani, preferivo questa e non la Forca di Presta.
2013/09/03 21:29 , Giuseppe Marzulli
2013/09/03 22:14 , Michael Strasser
Absolutely great colours and landscape!!!
2013/09/04 19:15 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Magnificent colours and sharpness.
LG Jörg
2013/09/04 20:31 , Jörg Nitz

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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