The Coral Beaches   13073
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1 Healabhal Bheag 489m
2 Beinn na Creiche 264m
3 Ben Skriaig 309m
4 Biod an Athair 313m
5 Dunvegan Head
6 Isle of Isay


Location: Claigan (Isle of Skye)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: United Kingdom      Date: June 2013
The Coral Beaches is probably the most famous beach of Skye.
My handbook advised to visit on a warm sunny day, but I'm afraid that the warm sunny days here are very rare. My handbbok also added that on a warm summer day Coral Beach resembles a tropical beach, but it is hard to believe :-).
In any case, Coral Beach is a wonderful place, easily accessible with a walk of about an hour.
The fine sand of the beach is not true coral, but come from a plant belonging to the red alga (Lithothamnium calcareum). In life this is a rich red colour, but here its calcareous skeleton has been bleached by the sun.


Wonderful Giuseppe! Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
2013/07/24 10:59 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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