Poldokhtar - ancient bridge   93663
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Location: Iran-East Azerbaijan Province-Near Mianeh (1065 m)      by: Sj Jamali
Area: Iran, Islamic Republic Of      Date:


I like it. KR Arno
2013/07/23 11:54 , Arno Bruckardt
I know this bridge very well form old photograhs taken by my parents in the late 1960ies; I am happy to see it here again. Maybe I will have the chance to see it myself sometime in the future ...
2013/07/23 13:49 , Christoph Seger
Very beautiful, with the snowy mountain hidden in clouds as an additional bonus.
2013/07/23 14:14 , Pedrotti Alberto
Thanks for Pictures! 
Bilder aus fremden Welten doppelt willkommen!
Gruss Walter
2013/07/23 16:27 , Walter Schmidt
A wonderful picture from your country! Regards, Hans-Jörg
2013/07/24 10:50 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Very nice!
2013/07/25 12:12 , Jens Vischer
Truly nice picture!
kind regards, Danko.
2013/07/26 21:58 , Danko Rihter
Very beautiful picture! The mountains with snow hidden in the clouds, the rolling hills with grass in the background, the brown water with the bridge, well done ! The overall composition of your picture is very good!

2013/07/30 07:23 , Jochen Gerlach
Reconstruction ? 
Why not complete a reconstruction ?
2016/01/22 18:34 , Santa Sa

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Sj Jamali

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