Warsaw from Palace of Culture and Science   23418
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1 Saxon Garden
2 Grand Theatre (National Opera)
3 Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
4 Royal Castle
5 St. Anne's bell tower (pano 13377)
6 Pilsudski Square
7 Protestant Church of The Holy Trinity
8 Swietokrzyski Bridge
9 National Stadium
10 Vistula River


Location: Warszawa      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Poland      Date: 13 July 2013
The Palace of Culture and Science (Palac Kultury i Nauki, in Polish), 237 meters, in Warsaw is the tallest building in Poland and the sixth tallest building in the European Union.
The building was originally known as the Joseph Stalin Palace of Culture and Science. Many Poles do not like the building, because they considered it to be a symbol of Soviet domination.
The terrace on the 30th floor, at 114 metres, is a well-known tourist attraction with a panoramic view of the city. But taking panos is very difficult, because there are a lot of barriers.
The Poles say, jokingly, that the best view of Warsaw is from this Palace, because it is the only point of the city where the building itself does not obscure the view.


As a German one can hardly complain about how Warsaw looks like.

Intersting and well-done panoramic, anyway!
2013/07/20 10:28 , Arne Rönsch
Wonderful! An interesting point of view - regards, Hans-Jörg
2013/07/20 18:38 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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