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Aufnahmestandort: Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba (120 m)      Fotografiert von: Christoph Seger
Gebiet: Spain      Datum: 2012-03-26
The church in the mosque. Something unique, something with a special touch. Doing indoor pictures - also something special although not unique in this forum. It was Guiseppe M. who presented us some Italian church interiors, here come my first one. I am astonished how well it worked out. More details later in the evening - one little detail: The young lady on the right is my nice.

Some details to the church: It was erected in the middle of the great mosque which gradually evolved over centuries on the place of a Visigothic church which was covering a Roman temple. About one-thousand columns of different material and beautiful capitels - some of Roman origin - form the unique hypostyle hall. After the reconquista (1236), the mosque was used as church again. It took until the Renaissance, that the nave which I depicted here was forced into the center of the hall. Disliked even by Carlos V at the time of its erection, it was saved over the centuries and preserved as a strange chimerical object. What is absolutely beautiful – besides the hypostyle hall itself, is the light. Not only by towering the hall but by the rather large window openings and by the artificial light sources, the church within the mosque is an unusual attraction point. The darkness of the ebony black choir, is in stark contrast to the well lit altar room – I hope I was able to catch this effect.

For reading I recommend: and

Technical details:
Canon 550D, Sigma 17-70 mm @ 17 mm
10:22, 21 HF RAWs, f/2.8, 1/25-1/400, ISO400
DPP, Hugin, Gimp.


Crazy view!
11.04.2013 15:52 , Sebastian Becher
A different perspective from the usual. I like.
11.04.2013 21:30 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Sehr schöne Perspektive, bei der "the young lady" trotz farbenfrohen Outfits leider nur eine Nebenrolle spielt ;-) - LG Hans-Jörg
11.04.2013 22:08 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Hi Christoph. Not really my thing, but then many details and fine colours still attracts me. LG Jan.
11.04.2013 22:28 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Great that you like it... 
... I added some sentences about the church and the mosque. There would be so much more to add. From the technical point of view only two things: I worked (by chance...) with a great overlap between the pictures. Most interesting I had no problems with stitching artefacts. Second I was astonished, that ISO400 gave a lot of sharpness. Regarding the gray-scale correction I just "added some light" to the dark choir, but only to an extend which reflects what I have seen and felt. I am convinced, that in this case HDR would spoil the show.
12.04.2013 01:15 , Christoph Seger
Technisch einwandfrei, sieht klasse aus.
12.04.2013 09:27 , Jens Vischer
Sehr interessante Perspektive auf eines der beeindruckendsten Bauwerke Europas - wobei ich den Teil, der die Architektur der Moschee mit ihren Säulenreihen bewahrt, noch beeindruckender finde. VG Martin
13.04.2013 17:08 , Martin Kraus
Die Idee von Guiseppe fand ich großartig und die Bilder haben auch mich beeindruckt. Probiert habe ich es auch und dabei festgestellt, dass es gar nicht so einfach ist, die exakte Mitte für den Standpunkt zu finden. Das ist Dir hier sehr gut gelungen.

LG Werner
13.04.2013 17:29 , Werner Schelberger
Vom Inhalt her eigentlich gar nicht so meins, aber ich finde die Vielfalt deiner Motive anerkennens- und bemerkenswert. So viel Abwechlung findet sich bei mir nicht. Schade, dass dieses Motiv auf dieser Plattform nicht so ganz zur Geltung kommen kann.
15.04.2013 22:05 , Jörg Braukmann

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Christoph Seger

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