Le Théâtre Antique d'Orange   13416
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1 Statue of Caesar Augustus


Location: Orange      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: France      Date: 29 March 2013
2000 years and still going strong: the Ancient Theatre of Orange (Théâtre antique d'Orange) is an ancient Roman theatre, in Orange, southern France.

Orange was a Roman colony called Arausio, founded in 40 B.C. by veterans of Caesar’s Second Gallic regiment. It developed rapidly during the reign of Emperor Augustus and it was at this time, the 1st century A.D., that the Roman Theater of Orange was built.

It is one of the best preserved of all the Roman theatres in the world. In 1981 UNESCO declared the theatre as a World Heritage Site.


Impressive, and the rainbow is a nice add-on.
2013/04/07 12:48 , Jens Vischer

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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