This pano was made on the same day as the former - after the stroll at Asnæs I speeded up here to hopefully enjoy a far view. The view was ok, but of course plagued by the low standing sun.
In my pano #8629 I moan about that this hill is overgrown, and therefore not suited for a 360 degrees pano. I have tried to overcome this by going around the hill, but I had to give up the foreground (and that isn't so exciting anyway). The sunpart could be a natural start- and endingpoint, but then the nearby forest to the northwest would take up too much space, in my opinion.
So I dare an overview from here, justified by the snow. Even though it has been a cold winter, there hasn't been a constant snowcover, and clear days can be counted on one hand. Alternatives could be to seperate the pano at the sun, but the Tissø-part would be a shame to loose. Suggestions are welcome.
Important views are, from left to right, the litte window with a part of Sejerø island, the hills surrounding Åmosen (largest low-moor in Denmark), Højbjerg Skove (the highest hills on Sjælland), the Storebælt bridges, Fyn island and Tissø lake.
Pano made from 28 pics (RAW), 50 mm, iso-200, f/10, 1/250 sec. Developped in DPP (moderate sharpness, 6500 K, shadows lightened a tick, stitched in PTgui pro, re-scaled and sharpened in IrfanView.
Some more labels a little later.
Pedrotti Alberto, Hans-Jürgen Bayer, Jörg Braukmann, Paul Chater, Friedemann Dittrich, Gerhard Eidenberger, Jörg Engelhardt, Martin Kraus, Wilfried Malz, Jörg Nitz, Danko Rihter, Christoph Seger, Jens Vischer, Augustin Werner
LG Jörg
"To focus and limiting one self is an underestimated art in pano-producing." Your opinion would be interesting.
Your pano #12406 is of course informative, but as HJB saw, also has potential as a graphic gestalt. I am usually blind for this, so it is always interesting for me when users here see graphic elements in the nature and present them as panos. And to make a graphic panos usually means to cut away information. LG Jan.
LG Jörg
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