Kløveshøj in winter   123673
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1 Hegnsbakke 73 m, 9 km
2 Kongshøj 30 m, Sejerø island 33 km
3 Trustrup Skov forest, 7 km
4 Bjergsted Bakker 87 m, 10 km
5 Hejrebjerg Skov forest, 7 km
6 Vejrhøj 121 m, 25 km
7 Stenhus Vænge forest, 5,5 km
8 P. 60 m, 8 km
9 Nørager manor house, 0,8 km
10 Langås 77 m, 7 km
11 Torsbjerg 76 m, 4,5 km
12 Jyderup telemast 311 m + 11 mNN = 322 m, 14 km
13 Store Højbjerg 95 m, 8,6 km
14 Stodderbakke 83 m, 6 km
15 Åmosen low moor 24 m, 5 km
16 Hjortebjerg 85 m, 8,9 km
17 Åmosen low moor 24 m, 5 km
18 Knøsen 99 m, 9,4 km
19 Harpebjerg 83 m, 9 km
20 Tømmerbanke 86 m, 10 km
21 Kullebjerg 75 m, 8,2 km
22 Dyssebjerg 71 m, 8,7 km
23 Mørkemose Bjerg 105 m, 22 km
24 Jukkerup Vænge 84 m, 19 km
25 Boksbjerg 53 m, 8,8 km
26 Galge Overdrev 85 m, 19 km
27 Bredbjerg 76 m, 20 km
28 Grøftebakke 75 m, 21 km
29 Egstallebjerg 94 m, 33 km
30 Skovbakke 113 m, 32 km
31 Høbjerg 117 m, 32 km
32 Højbjerg Skove forest
33 Gyldenløves Høj 126 m, 32 km
34 Vedbygård manor house, 3,3 km
35 Ruds Vedby Kirke, church, 3,5 km
36 Oldebjerg 82 m, 22 km
37 Østerbjerg 88 m, 22 km
38 Overdrevsskov forest
39 Vættebjerg 91 m, 21 km
40 Ravnsbjerg 88 m, 21 km
41 Nykobbel Skov forest
42 P. 84 m, 19 km
43 P. 83 m, 19 km
44 Glohøj 82 m, 19 km
45 Etterbjerg 97 m, 19 km
46 Skt. Mikkels Kirke (church), Slagelse, 18 km
47 Korsør Lystskov forest, 30 km
48 Store Bælt bridge, eastern part, 32 km
49 Sæby Kirke (church), 3 km
50 Stavreshoved Forest, Hindsholm peninsula, Fyn, 39 km
51 Romsø Island 17 m, 36 km.
52 Tissø 2 m, 4 km
53 Digersbanke 35 m, Hindsholm peninsula, Fyn, 41 km
54 Store Bælt/Great Belt 35 km
55 Urhøj 55 m, 12 km
56 Store Bælt/Great Belt 35 km
57 Tissø 2 m, 5 km


Location: Kløveshøj (100 m)      by: Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Area: Denmark      Date: 2013-01-20, 15:58
This pano was made on the same day as the former - after the stroll at Asnæs I speeded up here to hopefully enjoy a far view. The view was ok, but of course plagued by the low standing sun.

In my pano #8629 I moan about that this hill is overgrown, and therefore not suited for a 360 degrees pano. I have tried to overcome this by going around the hill, but I had to give up the foreground (and that isn't so exciting anyway). The sunpart could be a natural start- and endingpoint, but then the nearby forest to the northwest would take up too much space, in my opinion.

So I dare an overview from here, justified by the snow. Even though it has been a cold winter, there hasn't been a constant snowcover, and clear days can be counted on one hand. Alternatives could be to seperate the pano at the sun, but the Tissø-part would be a shame to loose. Suggestions are welcome.

Important views are, from left to right, the litte window with a part of Sejerø island, the hills surrounding Åmosen (largest low-moor in Denmark), Højbjerg Skove (the highest hills on Sjælland), the Storebælt bridges, Fyn island and Tissø lake.

Pano made from 28 pics (RAW), 50 mm, iso-200, f/10, 1/250 sec. Developped in DPP (moderate sharpness, 6500 K, shadows lightened a tick, stitched in PTgui pro, re-scaled and sharpened in IrfanView.

Some more labels a little later.


A very nice pano of a Danish "sne landskab" ! May not the right word ... :-) VG HJ
2013/03/17 19:01 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
2013/03/17 19:09 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
I think, for this low standing sun it is a very good result. LG Fried
2013/03/17 20:32 , Friedemann Dittrich
I like the way you drive the observer towards the setting sun along a series of gentle waves.
2013/03/17 23:12 , Pedrotti Alberto
In the field of the sun certainly not ideal but overall very worth showing. My only suggestion would be, that you come back in summer while good sight and high sun.
2013/03/18 15:55 , Jörg Braukmann
I understand now what you announced yesterday for victims of "Gegenlichtallergie" - but the light belongs to the picture as an integral part. I enjoy these wide views more and more. Cheers, Martin
2013/03/18 19:22 , Martin Kraus
My eye is caught by the soft slopes in the foreground. I for my part would not include the sun in this way, but I appreciate the natural colours in its neighbourhood. LG Wilfried
2013/03/19 09:41 , Wilfried Malz
I am sure you will know why I don't give the four stars. If the sun would have been deeper - that means some minutes later with less "Gegenlicht", I would like it very much! :-)
LG Jörg
2013/03/19 23:21 , Jörg Nitz
Jan, if I had made this pano I would show only the right part.
"To focus and limiting one self is an underestimated art in pano-producing." Your opinion would be interesting.
2013/03/20 22:39 , Heinz Höra
Yes, my "statement" could sound contradictory. I also agree, that the right part is the most exciting part. I just think this pano is an info-pano; for those who wonder how it looks up there, they can scroll through here. I would like this kind of pano to have either a tiefblick or some interesting clouds, but it is basically an info-pano.

Your pano #12406 is of course informative, but as HJB saw, also has potential as a graphic gestalt. I am usually blind for this, so it is always interesting for me when users here see graphic elements in the nature and present them as panos. And to make a graphic panos usually means to cut away information. LG Jan.
2013/03/21 07:45 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Less gegenlicht...
2013/03/29 23:19 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Acceptable for my "Allergie" now!
LG Jörg
2013/03/30 11:21 , Jörg Nitz

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Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen


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