The Vrijdagmarkt   93421
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1 Socialistische Werkersvereenigingen
2 Bond Moyson
3 Baudelostraat
4 Sint-Jacobskerk
5 Toreken


Location: Gent      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Belgium      Date: 2 December 2012
The Vrijdagmarkt (Friday Market) is a beautiful market square in Gent. It is called Vrijdagmarkt for the simple reason that on Fridays a market takes place here. However numerous times in the past the fate of Ghent has been decided upon on this square.

I put a pano with a different framing of the square, but there was an error of stitching. I replaced the pano with another of the same square, with a different frame.


Gefällt mir!


2012/12/07 23:08 , Christian Hönig
Thanks Cristian, but there is an error in the stitching. Tomorrow I will try to correct it.
2012/12/08 01:54 , Giuseppe Marzulli
2012/12/08 15:10 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I think, it's even better than the other picture. Beautiful light!

Saluti Werner
2012/12/08 17:10 , Werner Schelberger
This one I like very much !!
2012/12/08 17:19 , Christoph Seger
Gent is indeed a spectacularly beautiful city - thanks for showing in an nice pano. I have good memories to the food here, as well. Funny to see the "Socialistische Werkersvereenegungen" in a palace with golden letters. Cheers, Martin
2012/12/08 18:07 , Martin Kraus
The light and the colours of an automn or winter evening mixed with a very impressive motif are very beautiful!
LG Jörg
2012/12/08 22:21 , Jörg Nitz
Nice, bright and clear, or just beautiful!
2012/12/10 08:44 , Jens Vischer
Discovered by random.
Ist that the place the Ronde van Vlaanderen was started over many years?
2021/08/16 20:44 , Arne Rönsch

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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