Sunrise at Laguna Torre   62090
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1 Cerro Solo, 2121
2 Punta Paganella
3 Paso Doblado
4 El Ñato, 2797
5 Glaciar Grande
6 Cerro Adela Sur, 2840
7 Cerro Adela Central, 2938
8 Cerro Adela Norte, 2825
9 Col de la Esperanza
10 Cerro Torre, 3102
11 Torre Egger, 2850
12 Cerro Standhardt, 2730
13 El Mocho
14 Techado Negro, 2152
15 Cerro El Ñire


Location: Laguna Torre (655 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Argentina      Date: 15-02-2014
One of a long series of sunrise panoramas in a continuously changing light.
5 HF, Canon G1X, 32 mm equiv, f/4, 1/125 sec.
From the larger version, the whole sunrise sequence can be accessed - recommended, since single photos are more significant here than panoramas:


Grandioso e mirabolante!
Salute Olaf (Emilio)
2017/02/01 19:31 , Olaf Kleditzsch
Classic spot with perfect weather and light conditions!
2017/02/01 21:30 , Jens Vischer
"Mirabolante" è forse troppo - ist vielleicht zu viel...
Comunque molte grazie Olaf!
2017/02/02 22:25 , Pedrotti Alberto
2017/02/03 18:38 , Markus Ulmer
Simply wow!
2017/02/03 22:14 , Johannes Ha
Incredible mirror! 
2017/02/09 08:54 , Sebastian Becher

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Pedrotti Alberto

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